Sunday, October 6, 2019

Practice Yoga Even While You Are Travelling

Never has an excuse for stopping your yoga practice even while you are travelling overseas!  A lot of people giving excuse for not be able to do yoga practice while they are travelling like no time or too troublesome to bring a yoga mat along while travelling.

Get a light weight travel yoga mat which doesn't take up too much of the space and weight to your luggage!  Nowadays there are such light weight travel yoga mats available in the market which solve the problem for people who need to travel.

Giving you the convenience to practice your yoga anytime at anywhere as it is very easy and light to carry around while you are on a move.

Some of you might say "But I have no time to practice while I'm overseas?!"  You can just practice your Sun Salutation which is enough for your day if you have no time for other yoga poses.  

Just give yourself 10-15min for Sun Salutation won't take up too much of your time.  Time is manage by you.  It is just that are you willingly to arrange this 10-15min yoga practice time in your busy schedule.  Nothing is impossible if you are willing to do it.

I ever have my yoga practice at a peaceful lake side while I'm in Australia. You will never know when you just suddenly have a mood to do some yoga practice when you happen to come across some nice peaceful places..:-)